jamais vu (uncountable)

Borrowed from French: "jamais" (never) "vu" (seen).

1. A sense of unfamiliarity with, or of never having experienced or seen before, something that should be familiar.

An allyuuji zine

Recruitment Period: July 1 - 31

Interest Check: July 2 - August 2

Creation Period: August 1 - October 31

Zine Progress Check #1: August  20

Zine Progress Check #2: September 20

Zine Progress Check #3:
October 20

Final Submissions for Zine: November 20

Zine Preorders: December 2022 - January 2023

Production: February - March (2023)

Shipping: April - May (2023)

What is a zine?

A zine is an unofficial fanmade publication that usually includes artwork / illustrations and written works.

What is the theme of the zine?

The theme of the zine is 'Jamais Vu', a french expression which means 'never seen'. It describes the feeling of seeing something familiar yet not recognizing it at all, tying it in with the "false memories" experienced by characters throughout the manga.

We are an All!Yuuji zine that will focus on the theme of memories that don't exist - these are stories and artwork that are not canonically found in the manga.

Will the zine be physical or digital?

Both versions will be available for purchase.

Will the zine be for-profit or for-charity?

This zine will be for-profit.

What is the rating of the zine?

There will be two versions of the zine. Fade to white, which is safe for work, rated PG13. Fade to black is a nsfw zine and rated 18+.

Will there be ships in the zine?

Yes. There will be both general and rare ships included in the zine. Please remember that this Zine is Pro-fiction.

What ships will be allowed in the zine?

From platonic to romantic/sexual ships, all yuuji ships will be allowed in the zine. Poly ships will also be allowed. The sfw version of the zine will include gen and romantic yuuji ships while the nsfw version will include more explicit and mature content with various ships involving yuuji.

Will the zine include only bottom!Yuuji or also switch?

The zine will include bottom!Yuuji only.

What characters will be in this zine?

Any characters in the jujutsu kaisen anime and manga can be included. This zine is centered around the main character, Itadori Yuuji, so it will focus on him and his relationship with other characters.

Are manga spoilers allowed?

Yes, manga spoilers are allowed. Please be aware if you are an anime-only.

Who can contribute to this zine?

Mods must be 18+ with prior experience either as a zine mod or a zine contributor. Contributors for the sfw version of the zine must be 16+, while contributors for the nsfw version of the zine must be 18+. Prior zine experience is not required to be a contributor.

How will contributors be compensated?

All contributors will received a free digital copy of both zine version if they are 18+. Other contributors, who are 16 or 17 will receive only a digital copy of the sfw zine. If possible, we would like to also provide at least a physical copy of the sfw zine as well to all contributors.

Mod Kyrie

Just a Yuuji fanatic. I absolutely adore Itadori Yuuji so much that I can talk about him all day, every day. I have more experience running fan weeks rather than zines! This is my first zine and I hope to spread the Yuuji agenda.

Mod Mitsu

Yuuji’s #1 fan since the beginning when she first started JJK. Brain no thoughts, head empty only Yuuji. Is this her second allyuuji zine? Yes, because he deserves the best. Anyways, Mitsu is an overly caffeinated and sleep deprived student who is excited to do another zine for Yuuji!

Mod Hua

Graphics mod. Fell in love with Yuuji early on and never really got out of that hole. Love the theme of the zine and the idea. Currently suffering through thesis hell.